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Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Dady you killed me !!!

In a street in front of a lady, there was a guy aksident.Me result of a severely injured, with the help of some people that were there we placed 20-year-old Mrs car which immediately transport to the hospital ... The boy had emoragji, Mrs. arrived at the hospital as soon as the night mundej.Turni took the boy from the car and introduced Ms. inside, came together with them and to learn who the lady was young and to notify his family.

Doctors diagnosed that the shift should be entered immediately in the operating room, surgeon njofuan who wanted the operation to make 1000 euros!
Ja said that he asked Ms. what happens? and that not njihnte boy.
Informed the doctor but he did not care it wanted the money.
Ladies seeing that slowly dying boy said: Well I am going to continue to bring leke.
And the lady really brought the money and then the doctor came.
But what Irony! You sometimes play the preserves life, this night, his love for money!
Just saw the lad he was stunned, remained in place, was pale, become white, the color of the dead received.
Worm on the boy screaming! And the boy said his last words
-Father of murdered and expired.
Ladies and desperate from this event with tears in their eyes, threw money at the doctor's face and said ...
-Take the boy to do varimin YOUR.

Ne nje rruge para syve te nje zonje,ndodhi nje aksident.Me rezultat nje djalosh te plagoset rende,me ndihmen e disa njerzve qe ndodheshin aty vune 20-vjecarin ne makinen e zonjes e cila e transportoj menjehere ne spital…Djaloshi kishte emoragji,zonja arriti ne spital sa me shpejt qe mundej.Turni i nates morri djaloshin nga makina e zonjes dhe e futen brenda,hyri bashke me ta dhe zonja per te mesuar kush ishte djaloshi dhe per te njoftuar familjen e tij.
Mjeket e turnit diagnozuan se duhej menjehere te hynte ne sallen e operacionit,njofuan kirurgun i cili per te bere operacionin donte 1000 euro!
Ja thane zonjes e cila i pyeti cfare ndodh? dhe qe nuk e njihnte djaloshin.
Informuan mjekun por atij nuk i interesonte kjo donte parate.
Zonja duke pare djaloshin qe ngadale po vdiste tha: Mire vazhdoni po shkoj te sjell leket.
Dhe me te vertet zonja solli leket dhe atehere mjeku erdhi.
Por cfare IRONI! Ti lojrash te ruan nganjehere jeta,kete nate dashuria e tij per para!
Sapo pa djaloshin ai shtangu,ngeli ne vend,u zverdh,u zbardh,morri ngjyren e te vdekurit.
Rra mbi djaloshin duke uleritur! Dhe djaloshi tha fjalet e tij te fundit
-Baba me vrave dhe dha shpirt.
Zonja e deshperuar nga kjo ngjarje me lot ne sy,hodhi paret ne fytyre te mjekut dhe tha…
-Merri te besh varimin e djalit tend!.

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